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Nominations are solicited for the following positions for the Year 2025 committee:

1. President2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Joint Secretary 5. Treasurer 6. Joint Treasurer 
7. Members-At-Large (5 positions) 8. Youth Committee Members (1–Convener, 4–members)


Please refer to the Samaj by-laws for eligibility requirements.


Nominations are solicited for the following positions for the Year 2025 committee:

1. President

2. Vice President

3. Secretary

4. Joint Secretary

5. Treasurer

6. Joint Treasurer

7. Members-at-Large (5 positions)

8. Youth Committee (5 Positions)

Please refer to the Samaj by-laws for eligibility requirements.
Following excerpt is provided for those who are interested in applying for the positions:


Article VI 3.b Candidates:

Any member with the following criteria will be eligible to contest:


  1. Membership dues must have been paid on or before 1 November 2024.

  2. Members must have established residence in the metropolitan area prior to 1 September 2024.


$10 fee must be paid for each additional nomination of the candidate being nominated for more than one position.

For the year 2019, we are seeking nominations for the position of President. Last year, current Vice-President Mitul Shah was drafted. As per the by-laws, it is required to elect a President that fits the eligibility criteria defined in the Samaj by-laws. Eligibility criteria for this position would be the same as Vice-President, as follows:


Article VI 3.b Candidates: Member submitting nomination form for Vice President and President (for the year 2025) must be a Life Member of the Samaj and should have worked in the executive committee for a minimum of 2 years during the previous 5 years and must have served at least for one year in the position of secretary, joint secretary, treasurer or joint treasurer within last two years.


Important Changes to the By-Laws were made effective in 2011 AGB:

(1) Deposit of $100 is required to be submitted along with each nomination form. $100 will NOT be refunded to the candidate when an election would be necessary for a position being contested and the nominated candidate withdraws after the withdrawal deadline. In all other situations, the $100 deposit will be refunded.

(2) A member cannot nominate more than one candidate for each position as mentioned above (Vice-President, Secretary, Jt. Secretary, Treasurer, Jt. Treasurer, Youth Committee Convener) and not more than five candidates for the position of Member-at-Large, and not more than four positions of youth Committee member. If a member nominates more than the allowed limit for a position, all nominations by that member for that position will be disqualified.


If there is no eligible nomination received for a position, then the Draft Committee will appoint a member who meets the requirements. No more than one member of a family can be part of the committee. Members of the election committee and their family members are not eligible to contest for any office except the youth committee.

Mail/courier the nomination form to (no hand delivery or drop off):
Raj Shivjiani
Gujarati Samaj of Metropolitan Washington

47245 Ox Bow Circle, Potomac Falls, VA 20165


Nomination forms for the above positions should be mailed to reach the above address by 7:00 PM on Friday, 15 November 2024.

If an election is necessary, election date, time, and place information will be posted on Samaj’s website. Please check the website for more details.

Any questions in regard to the nomination should be directed to election committee members, President or the Trustees.


Raj Shivjiani (Chair Person) (202) 288-8558

Harshid Shah (703) 371-1006
Hetal Shah (301) 528-2226

Kirit Sheth (Alternate) (571) 233-7795


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